Hello and welcome to my "Art" blog!!
After 30+ years as an RN working with sick babies and their families, I decided to "retire" and take up art!! Fortunately, my husband has been immensely supportive...and has encouraged me every step of the way!! I really am truly blessed!
I've been taking drawing lessons from an amazingly talented woman, Elizabeth Salim, for about 18 months now...and have met some of the most amazing artists...Carter Stuart and Suzie Kowalik and Amy Donahue, to name a few. I've also taken a 5-day watercolor worksop with the remarkably talented and successful watercolorist, Mary Whyte...and studied watercolor with Donna Campbell, Robert Caldwell, Susan Stuller, and Christopher Wynn...and am looking forward to taking a watercolor class with Elizabeth Eubanks at "For Arts Sake" here in Richmond.
I am drawing and painting all kinds of things...and hope to draw and paint portraits one day. I also intend to record some of the wonderful places my husband and I visit in our travels...like the Carribbean!!
I am delighted to have been invited to participate in the "Summer Sketch Challenge"...which was created by Carter Stuart and Amy Donahue!!
The idea is that participants sketch something every day of the summer!! That's 3 months of sketching!! So...since I'm on the "accelerated art plan" (having started "art" so late in life)...I jumped at the chance!!
A brand new sketchbook is more than a little intimidating...and my starting on the first page seemed a little "arrogant" so I decided to start on page 2!! One day perhaps I'll come back and do something with the first page!! So, without further ado, here's my first sketch of the "Summer Sketch Challenge"....
I'm actually painting a watercolor of these pears...and will post it here one day when it's finished! And here's my 2nd day's sketch...
This foot actually belongs to our youngest granddaughter, Isla Bleu. I'll have to work on her toes a bit...they look kind of "wonky"...but, other than that...not too bad! And that's it for now...'ll be back with another sketch or two in a day or so!
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