Thursday, March 19, 2015

Anse Marcel Painting - Update

Just a quick I continue practicing with all of my "delicious" new pastels! I'm still working on my painting of a favorite vacation spot for Gil and me...Anse Marcel, St. Martin, FWI. I'm using La Carte paper ground 12" x 15"...and a variety of hard & soft pastels...including Terry Ludwig, Unison, Sennelier, Girault, Holbein, and Nupastels and Richeson hard pastels.

I've been trying a number of techniques to avoid blending with my favorite is a technique used by Stephanie Birdsall (I've been watching videos on Artist Network TV!). Instead of using fingers or foam for blending, I've been using Holbein soft pastels and hard pastels on their sides to very, very lightly blend!

I'm looking forward to trying Stephanie's underpainting technique too...using Holbein soft pastels and an alcohol wash!! Have I mentioned how much I love working with pastels?! ☺️

Ok...that's it for now. But I'll be back soon with pics of my pastel collection! I'm in the process of organizing them into my three beautiful Dakota a Traveler cases!!

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