Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Here's what I've been up to...

It's been a while since I've updated my art blog...but I definitely have been making art...or, at least working on it!! Here are a couple of works...

Recently, my drawing class made a little trip to the Virginia Museum of Fine Art (VMFA) and I decided to sketch one of my favorite works by Berthe Morisot...

Of course, I continue to work on my Language of Drawing Program exercises. Here's an update on my "Form Box" exercise...I'm nearly done...I think!! But Rodney (my teacher/mentor) might think otherwise!

I also continue with my Oil Painting class...and am learning the "Indirect" method of oil painting...

Here's my "Master Copy"... work in progress! I've lost track of how many layers of glaze I have applied to this work. My next step is to work on the background. Then I'll start adding some flesh tones to her face & neck!
After A. William Bougeaureau
And a copy of one of my favorite contemporary artists...
After David Gray
This one is a work in progress as well. I've just started working on the highlights. I need to work on diminishing the look of those lines in her face. Arrggh!! Next time my transfer will definitely be much lighter!!'s a learning process for sure!!

And that's what I've been up to!! Oh...that, plus another David Gray copy as well as a Morgan Weistling copy. More on those later!!