Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gradation Patterns...

I've been working on The Language of Drawing program (Ani Art Academy - Waichulis), which takes an artist through a sequence of drawing exercises. I have "graduated" to something called "Gradation Patterns."

8/25/13 - Here's what the first "Gradation Pattern" looks like... I thought I was done. But, after receiving feedback from Ani Art Academy Master Trainers, I went back to the "drawing board" so to speak!

8/26/13 - Here's my "revised" version. This one has a more "air-brushed" effect. Pretty cool since I only used charcoal & white pastel pencils!

8/27/13 - Here are some sketchbook "doodles" that I did while watching TV...

8/28/13 - At my art lesson today...we worked on applying lessons learned from the "Gradation Patterns" exercises to creating a sphere...many more of these yet to do! But I'm feeling much better about my value transitions. This is going to be so beneficial with portrait work...well, with just about anything really!!

That's it for now. More to come!

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